This data as json, testall, testnone, testresponse, CSV
type | name | tbl_name | rootpage | sql |
table | simple_primary_key | simple_primary_key | 2 | CREATE TABLE simple_primary_key ( id varchar(30) primary key, content text ) |
table | primary_key_multiple_columns | primary_key_multiple_columns | 4 | CREATE TABLE primary_key_multiple_columns ( id varchar(30) primary key, content text, content2 text ) |
table | primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label | primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label | 6 | CREATE TABLE primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label ( id varchar(30) primary key, content text, content2 text ) |
table | compound_primary_key | compound_primary_key | 8 | CREATE TABLE compound_primary_key ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), content text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2) ) |
table | compound_three_primary_keys | compound_three_primary_keys | 10 | CREATE TABLE compound_three_primary_keys ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), pk3 varchar(30), content text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2, pk3) ) |
table | foreign_key_references | foreign_key_references | 13 | CREATE TABLE foreign_key_references ( pk varchar(30) primary key, foreign_key_with_label varchar(30), foreign_key_with_blank_label varchar(30), foreign_key_with_no_label varchar(30), foreign_key_compound_pk1 varchar(30), foreign_key_compound_pk2 varchar(30), FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_label) REFERENCES simple_primary_key(id), FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_blank_label) REFERENCES simple_primary_key(id), FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_no_label) REFERENCES primary_key_multiple_columns(id) FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_compound_pk1, foreign_key_compound_pk2) REFERENCES compound_primary_key(pk1, pk2) ) |
table | sortable | sortable | 15 | CREATE TABLE sortable ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), content text, sortable integer, sortable_with_nulls real, sortable_with_nulls_2 real, text text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2) ) |
table | no_primary_key | no_primary_key | 17 | CREATE TABLE no_primary_key ( content text, a text, b text, c text ) |
table | 123_starts_with_digits | 123_starts_with_digits | 18 | CREATE TABLE [123_starts_with_digits] ( content text ) |
table | Table With Space In Name | Table With Space In Name | 19 | CREATE TABLE "Table With Space In Name" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, content text ) |
table | table/with/slashes.csv | table/with/slashes.csv | 21 | CREATE TABLE "table/with/slashes.csv" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, content text ) |
table | complex_foreign_keys | complex_foreign_keys | 23 | CREATE TABLE "complex_foreign_keys" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, f1 text, f2 text, f3 text, FOREIGN KEY ("f1") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id), FOREIGN KEY ("f2") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id), FOREIGN KEY ("f3") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id) ) |
table | custom_foreign_key_label | custom_foreign_key_label | 25 | CREATE TABLE "custom_foreign_key_label" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, foreign_key_with_custom_label text, FOREIGN KEY ("foreign_key_with_custom_label") REFERENCES [primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label](id) ) |
table | tags | tags | 29 | CREATE TABLE tags ( tag TEXT PRIMARY KEY ) |
table | searchable | searchable | 31 | CREATE TABLE searchable ( pk integer primary key, text1 text, text2 text, [name with . and spaces] text ) |
table | searchable_tags | searchable_tags | 32 | CREATE TABLE searchable_tags ( searchable_id integer, tag text, PRIMARY KEY (searchable_id, tag), FOREIGN KEY (searchable_id) REFERENCES searchable(pk), FOREIGN KEY (tag) REFERENCES tags(tag) ) |
table | searchable_fts | searchable_fts | 0 | CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "searchable_fts" USING FTS4 (text1, text2, [name with . and spaces], content="searchable") |
table | searchable_fts_segments | searchable_fts_segments | 34 | CREATE TABLE 'searchable_fts_segments'(blockid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, block BLOB) |
table | searchable_fts_segdir | searchable_fts_segdir | 35 | CREATE TABLE 'searchable_fts_segdir'(level INTEGER,idx INTEGER,start_block INTEGER,leaves_end_block INTEGER,end_block INTEGER,root BLOB,PRIMARY KEY(level, idx)) |
table | searchable_fts_docsize | searchable_fts_docsize | 37 | CREATE TABLE 'searchable_fts_docsize'(docid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, size BLOB) |
table | searchable_fts_stat | searchable_fts_stat | 38 | CREATE TABLE 'searchable_fts_stat'(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB) |
table | select | select | 39 | CREATE TABLE [select] ( [group] text, [having] text, [and] text, [json] text ) |
table | infinity | infinity | 40 | CREATE TABLE infinity ( value REAL ) |
table | facet_cities | facet_cities | 41 | CREATE TABLE facet_cities ( id integer primary key, name text ) |
table | facetable | facetable | 42 | CREATE TABLE facetable ( pk integer primary key, created text, planet_int integer, on_earth integer, state text, _city_id integer, _neighborhood text, tags text, complex_array text, distinct_some_null, n text, FOREIGN KEY ("_city_id") REFERENCES [facet_cities](id) ) |
table | binary_data | binary_data | 43 | CREATE TABLE binary_data ( data BLOB ) |
table | roadside_attractions | roadside_attractions | 44 | CREATE TABLE roadside_attractions ( pk integer primary key, name text, address text, url text, latitude real, longitude real ) |
table | attraction_characteristic | attraction_characteristic | 45 | CREATE TABLE attraction_characteristic ( pk integer primary key, name text ) |
table | roadside_attraction_characteristics | roadside_attraction_characteristics | 46 | CREATE TABLE roadside_attraction_characteristics ( attraction_id INTEGER REFERENCES roadside_attractions(pk), characteristic_id INTEGER REFERENCES attraction_characteristic(pk) ) |